Konstantin Held Person-Info 

( Ich bin Konstantin Held)


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Deutscher Auftakterfolg bei der WPT-TourSport1

— Konstantin Held hat sich in die Geschichtsbücher der World Poker Tour eingetragen. Der deutsche Pro gewann zum Auftakt der 22.

Konstantin Held Archives - Poker News Dailypokernewsdaily.com

Konstantin Held won the inaugural WPT Cambodia championship on Monday, claiming the top prize of $361,310. It was the first Main Tour stop outside of North ...

Konstantin Held Tops WPT Cambodia Main Event ChampionshipiGaming.org

Konstantin Held Tops WPT Cambodia Main Event Championship ... The World Poker Tour Cambodia Championship saw a remarkable turnout of 760 players at the ...

Konstantin Held Triumphs as First-Ever WPT Cambodia ...pokerpro.cc

— After intense competition, Konstantin Held claimed the first WPT Cambodia champion title along with a hefty prize of $361,310. The tournament ...
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