Kristina Schweigert Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kristina Schweigert)


(1 - 4 von 7

Theler's advisory board may ask for more proposals
Citizens are upset at delays, but more proposal may be sought for Theler Center's future.

Second lawsuit filed in reaction to NM School District's handling of...
Concerns over the North Mason School District’s handling of the Mary E. Theler Community Center continue to arise, with another person filing a public...

e-News Blast Fall/Winter From the Washington
Kristina Schweigert. Andrew Shanafelt. Trevor Sill. Sherry Simon. Kelsey Smersh. Sherrill Stead. Shawn Stern. Maria Stevens. Riley Stites.

Lengerich : VCB verpasst zweifachen Klassenerhalt › Sport › Lokalsport
Eine Bestnote verdienten sich die beiden Mittelangreiferinnen Kristina Schweigert und Mareike Drees. Beim Gastgeber lief wieder nur wenig ...
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