Laura Tantawy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Laura Tantawy)


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NZZ: Ägypten – Gesichter einer Revolution | NZZ

Dieser Tage jährt sich zum fünften Mal der Beginn der Massenproteste, die am 11. Februar zum Rücktritt des damaligen Präsidenten Mubarak führten. Die...

Guardian: Blending with the locals in Cairo | Cairo holidays | The Guardian

Cairo's friendly coffee houses are the best places to soak up the flavours of the city, says Will Hobson

In the Shadow of the Pyramids with Laura El Tantawy - The National
The National is the Middle East's leading English-language news service bring you the latest news, opinion and features from the region and internationally.

Guardian: Deutsche Börse photography prize shortlist: drones v the women of › artanddesign › nov › deutsche-borse-photography...

5 Nov · Egyptian photographer Laura El-Tantawy is nominated for her ... Images from Berlin and Hamburg are punctuated with first-person written ...
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