Lee Sook Ping Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lee Sook Ping)


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idsMED Malaysia CEO Townhall, Annual Award & ...idsMED

Angie Lee Sook Ping. Our Heartiest Congratulations to our HEART Awardees!! idsMED fellow employees celebrated the night with dinner and lots of drinks.

WARC Prize for Asian Strategy now launched. First judges named

- Sook Ping Chow, Managing Director, R/GA Shanghai - Sindhuja Rai, Director of Media & Digital, Mondelez Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa

Byron Lee Ping, 79

Byron Lee Ping Bremerton, WA Oct. 12, to Nov. 22, Veteran Byron L. Ping, 79, passed away on Nov. 22, in Bremerton, ...

Herausragende künstlerische Leistung: Mark Lee Ping-Bing - B.Z. – Die...

Brigitte Lacombe verleiht den ersten Silbernen Bär für herausragende künstlerische Leistung  an den chinesischen Kameramann Mark Lee Ping-Bing für den Film
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