Leonie Has Person-Info 

( Ich bin Leonie Has)


(1 - 4 von 9

A-level results: Paralympic ambitions for injured horse-riding teen -...

· Leonie has been awarded a place on the British dressage development programme. "The accident hasn't put me off riding, I've injured myself ...

Guardian: Leonie Orton: ‘I hero-worshipped Joe, I think he knew that’ | Joe...

Leonie Orton talks about her memoir of adored older brother Joe, and their ‘dreadful’ early years in working-class Leicester

EaPConnect welcomes new project management team - EaPConnect

In this and many previous posts, Leonie has a long experience of managing international research projects, coordinating with partners, preparing and evaluating ...

Sword blows make me strong, says Scotland's female knight - BBC News

Leonie Leaver is the first woman in Scotland to compete in armoured medieval combat.
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