Lexie Miller Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lexie Miller)


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Sacred Heart soccer falls to RCDS

Time is running out for the Sacred Heart soccer team to claim one of the final FAA playoff...

Lexie Miller's labour of love | Londonderry Sentinel

LOOKING dapper in a Brigade Cricket Club blazer and colourful tie, Lexie Miller's looks and sprightly attitude belie his 83 years.

Meet the Member Lexie Miller - The Rodeo News

story by Ruth Nicolaus Lexie Miller is entering her final year of Louisiana Junior High School Rodeo competition. The thirteen year old cowgirl, who lives

R/U Scholarship: Lexie Miller | Rotary Club of Fort Collins

Rural Urban Chair Amy Brackenbury awarded this year's Rural Urban Scholarship to Lexie Miller, who will study Agriculture Science and Ag Business at CSU ...
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