Liu Hung-Yang Person-Info 

( Ich bin Liu Hung-Yang)


(1 - 4 von 18
) China bestimmt Astronautin: Liu Yang wird erste Chinesin im All - DER...

Langsam aber bestimmt treibt China sein Weltraumprogramm voran. Beim bevorstehenden Start wird nun erstmals auch eine Raumfahrerin in den Orbit abheben. Die...

Profile of Liu Yang, China's first woman astronaut - BBC News
A profile of Liu Yang, 33, who has become China's first woman in space.

Guardian: China's first female astronaut shows how 'women hold up half the sky'...

China's first female astronaut shows how 'women hold up half the sky' | China | The Guardian

Desperate single banker KIDNAPPED young woman to con parents into...
Every Chinese New Year single Liu Hung's parents would nag him to settle down with a wife - and he couldn't face it any longer
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Liu Hung-Yang
Vorname "Liu" (835)
Name "Hung-Yang" (1)
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