Liu Jianhua Person-Info 

( Ich bin Liu Jianhua)


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Si el zapato ajusta… | Cultura | EL PAÍS
La exposición ‘El zapatero prodigioso’ celebra en Florencia el papel que el calzado desempeña en los cuentos y los mitos

Liu Jianhua lecture imagejkjk - Konfuzius Institut
Liu Jianhua lecture imagejkjk Juni Kommentare/von Hannes Jedeck. Share this entry. Teilen auf Facebook · Teilen auf Twitter ...

Liu Jianhua - Regular - Fragile ~ Tomb - Exhibition at in
About. Liu Jianhua is the leading Chinese artist who is known for large-scale installation works as well as intricate fibreglass and ceramic sculptures. Trained at ...

Liu Jianhua Presents Delicate Porcelain Installations At Pace London...
The first exhibition of the work of Liu Jianhua has been announced by Pace London. Between will be presented at 6 Burlington Gardens, from 5 Nove
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Liu Jianhua
Vorname "Liu" (835)
Name "Jianhua" (1)
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