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Juan Lopez Chaparro | News, Videos & Articles

Juan Lopez Chaparro videos and latest news articles; GlobalNews.ca your source for the latest news on Juan Lopez Chaparro .

Àngel López Chaparro: «Mi mejor reinserción ha sido esta lucha»

El Consejo de Ministros del pasado viernes concedió el indulto a Àngel López Chaparro. Ayer, sin duda, fue un gran día para Àngel López Chaparro, ya que desde...

Three migrant workers died of COVID-19. Now, a coroner's ...

— (Clockwise) Bonifacio Eugenio Romero, 31, Juan Lopez Chaparro and Rogelio Munoz Santos. GTA. Three migrant workers died of COVID-19. Now, a ... › ... › GTA

Morning Update: Ontario sees jump in migrant farm workers with...

Ontario now has more than 800 confirmed cases among migrant farm workers with over half concentrated in the Windsor area, based on a Globe count
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