Louis Mayer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Louis Mayer)


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Abenteuerspielplatz „Auenland“ steht kurz vor seiner Eröffnung

[Deutschland Today] - Der neu angelegte Abenteuerspielplatz „Auenland", der Dr. Louis Mayer Grundschule in Georgenthal, ist für diese Zielsetzung besonders geeignet, da hier ein unmittelbarer Zugang zur Natur besteht. Die Sensibilisierung zum rücksichtsvollen Umgang mit der

BCT Houston to Host Dave Fellman 21st Century Printing Seminar

[What They Think] - Louis Mayer, BCT Houston's owner said "Dave Fellman has trained thousands of print professional nationally. We want to help our customers make the best of all their selling efforts". He added "we all need every advantage we can today".

La 500 miglia di Indianapolis ha 100 anni

[Il Post] - Nel 1933, il pilota Louis Mayer richiese un bicchiere di latticello (buttermilk) per festeggiare la sua seconda vittoria alla 500 miglia. Fece la stessa cosa tre anni dopo, per la sua terza vittoria, ma gli organizzatori gli consegnarono una bottiglia

Spiegel.de: Entertainment Industry: At Cannes This Year, the Bankers May...

Wall Street banks, private equity firms and hedge funds are increasingly trying to arrange and finance entertainment deals.
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