Love Teddy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Love Teddy)


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Celebrating eternal love in China
[Business Times (subscription)] - By KATE WONG WALKING through Suzhou, Shanghai or Beijing this past Aug 16 and seeing roses in every florist's window, teddy bears everywhere in gift shops

Matchmaking often becomes about the girl in the middle
[Xinhua] - The guy waited for her downstairs at her dorm, holding a bunch of flowers and a jumbo-size teddy bear, and recited a long love letter he had written.

Google News: Shahrukh Khan: No more teddy bears for kids!

[Entertainment and Showbiz! (blog)] - On most occasions, he is known to shower his kids, with all the love and attention that a great dad ought to give, but here, we sense a very concerned dad!

Hope emerges from tragedy
[Herald Sun] - The Chaplins have gone public with their heartbreak in an effort to help other parents dealing with miscarriages and neo-natal deaths through the Teddy Love
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