Lucian Neumann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lucian Neumann)


Clontarf Taekwon-Do National Finals | › news › great-success-for-clon...
· Luke Tighe in his first competition as a black belt took gold in sparring and bronze in patterns with Lucian Neumann taking silver in ...

Clontarf Taekwon-Do Stars to Represent Ireland at World ...Love Clontarf
— Lucian Neumann, Orla Hickey, and Cara Groenewald have been selected to join the Irish National Team and compete at the highest level of ITF ...

ITA Black Belt Test ReportIrish Taekwon-Do Association
— ... Ciara White, Chun Kit Lin, Tharoonaesh Arunagiri, Saul Slattery, Luc Morin, Amy O'Sullivan, Luke Tighe, Lucian Neumann, Cara Groenewald, ...
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