Luke Proust Person-Info 

( Ich bin Luke Proust)


(1 - 4 von 7

Get your hand off it! The Australian cafe that charges EXTRA if...
Not on my watch! Bella Natural Food Co manager Luke Proust says it's common courtesy to put away your phone at the counter Cafe charging 50 cents for being...

Kafé bötfäller gäster som pratar i telefon | Nyheter | Expressen
Använder du din telefon samtidigt som du gör beställningar på kafé? På ett kafé i Australien resulterar det i en straffavgift. Chefen Luke Proust satte upp...

Bella Natural cafe barista Luke Proust charges rude customers extra -...
RUDE coffee drinkers are welcome at the Bella Natural Food Co cafe on the Central Coast of NSW - for a price. The Bella Natural barista, Luke Proust, made a

Australian cafe charges EXTRA if you're talking on your phone at the...
Feisty barista Luke Proust decided enough was enough after dealing with rude patrons, so he put up a sign threatening to charge them extra.
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Vorname "Luke" (3761)
Name "Proust" (112)
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