Lynn Harrell Person-Info 

( Ich bin Lynn Harrell)


(1 - 4 von 52

Update: Flu bug alters Symphony Silicon Valley concert lineup
Cellist Lynn Harrell is ailing and will be replaced by Christine Lamprea, Symphony Silicon Valley officials have announced.

Delta Kicks Classical Musician and His Cello Out of Frequent Flyer...
Lynn Harrell is a world-renowned classical cello player. Former artistic director at the L.A. philharmonic institute, he has played with some of the world’s...

2019 Lynn Harrell Concerto Competition
The DSO's Lynn Harrell Concerto Competition features young musical talent from the south central United States. Live final auditions will...

Auftakt zum Cellisten Lynn Harrell - Kultur -
Lynn Harrell ist ein Violoncellist von internationalem Rang und ein großer Fan der Kammermusik. Jetzt kommt er nach München.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Lynn Harrell
Recital Hall
Vorname "Lynn" (4158)
Name "Harrell" (239)
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