Magnus Gers Person-Info 

( Ich bin Magnus Gers)


(1 - 4 von 41

Ig Nobel 2022: Research on constipated scorpions, love at first sight › Science
· Magnus Gers won the Ig Nobel in the Safety Engineering category for making a life-size rubber moose “crash test dummy”.

Constipated scorpions, love at first sight inspire Ig Nobels - São › news › article › constipated-scor...
Magnus Gers won the safety engineering Ig Nobel for making a moose “crash test dummy” for his master's thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in ...

Eso es un alce, tonto - › mexico › el-diario-de-juarez
· Magnus Gers ganó el Ig Nobel de ingeniería de seguridad por fabricar un “maniquí de pruebas de choque” de alce para su tesis de máster en el ...

Research on constipated scorpions and love at first sight awarded › National
Magnus Gers won the Safety Engineering Ig Nobel for creating the Moose “crash test dummy” for his master's thesis at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in ...
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