Maike Freytag Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maike Freytag)


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German leader egged by accident at Czech revolution memorial
"It was only a very little piece" of egg, spokeswoman Maike Freytag-Pitrocha told AFP. The pro-Russian Zeman has broken ranks with both the European Union and NATO over the crisis in Ukraine. "I've come to show Zeman the red card because I'm against almost everything he does -- his foreign policy, ...

Czechs mark revolution with red cards
Czechs marked the 25th anniversary of the fall of communism in Prague yesterday by again marching in protest, this time waving red cards rather ...

Albert-Schweitzer-Gymnasium - Hamburger › archiv › article › Albert-Schweitzer-Gym...
... Andreas Förth- mann, Maike Freytag, Fee Froese, Marcel Gaspar, Mareike Geisler, Daniel Glage, Christina Graßhoff, Pedram Haghshenas- ...

Fenster zur Welt - Wirtschaft - Tagesspiegel
... im höheren Dienst Bewerbungen, berichtet die stellvertretende Ausbildungsleiterin für den höheren Dienst, Maike Freytag.
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Name "Freytag" (869)
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