Manfred Back Person-Info 

( Ich bin Manfred Back)


(1 - 4 von 30
) - US - Gay Jewish survivor of Nazi Germany says he was never...
Beck promised the Nazi guards he'd bring Manfred back, saying, "What would I need a Jew for?" As the two left the camp, Beck told Manfred, ...

'PIECE OF METAL'? Dodgers' Justin Turner rips MLB commissioner...
'PIECE OF METAL'? Dodgers' Justin Turner rips MLB commissioner Manfred Back to video. Manfred's “piece of metal” comment came in ...

Ex-Yankee David Wells boycotts MLB over All-Star Game move
— “I've had a lot of dealings with Rob Manfred back in my playing days, and I never liked the guy,” Wells said during the interview. ›

David Wells blasts MLB moving All-Star Game out of Atlanta, admits 'I...
— "I've had a lot of dealings with Rob Manfred back in my playing days, and I never liked the guy," Wells admitted on Fox News Radio's "The ... › sports
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