Manfred Zillinger Person-Info 

( Ich bin Manfred Zillinger)


Visual COBOL ValueDay findet im Stuttgarter Porsche-Museum...
MICRO FOCUS, Software-Anbieter Micro Focus richtet am 10. April zum zweiten Mal den

Aktuelles - Marktgemeinde Eckartsau
Infoportal der Markgemeinde Eckartsau

Mainframe Migration Alliance Helps Businesses Transition Their IT...
And developers experienced on the mainframe were getting harder to find, according to Manfred Zillinger, chief development officer of ...

Mainframe Migration Alliance Assists Customers Looking to Move Off...
... by an ROI of less than 20 months,” said Manfred Zillinger, chief development officer of Bertelsmann's software development center. “Besides ...
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