Manija Sediqi Person-Info 

( Ich bin Manija Sediqi)


Afghanische Frauenrechtlerin aus Taliban-Haft entlassenNau
— Amnesty forderte die Islamisten auf, auch die Frauenrechtlerinnen Julia Parsi, Manija Sediqi und Parisa Asada aus der Haft zu entlassen — Amnesty forderte die Islamisten auf, auch die Frauenrechtlerinnen Julia Parsi, Manija Sediqi und Parisa Asada aus der Haft zu entlassen.

The situation of imprisoned women's rights activists under ...Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA)
— ... Manija Sediqi is really worrying, because of the tortures, they are exposed to physical and psychological dangers. Accurate and recent — ... Manija Sediqi is really worrying, because of the tortures, they are exposed to physical and psychological dangers. Accurate and recent ...
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Manija Sediqi
Vorname "Manija" (14)
Name "Sediqi" (90)
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