Mara M. Wilson Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mara M. Wilson)


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Robin Williams: "Mrs. Doubtfire"-Costar Mara Wilson macht sich...
... und Fans waren geschockt vom Tod des beliebten Hollywood-Stars Robin Williams. So auch sein Co-Star aus "Mrs. Doubtfire", Mara Wilson.

So sieht die Darstellerin von „Matilda“ heute aus
Wie sieht “Matilda”-Star Mara Wilson eigentlich heute aus. Und was macht der ehemalige Kinderstar? Die Antworten gibt es im Video.

‘Matilda’ actress Mara Wilson offers advice to child actors: ‘get out...
Actress Mara Wilson is warning parents not to push their kids into acting unless it’s something that they want to do.

'Where am I now?': How Mara Wilson outgrew Matilda Wormwood, and...
'I wanted to grow up. I wanted to be Mara, but everyone knew me as Matilda. You wouldn't let me go. What if you were all there was to me?'
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