Marc Michael Baum Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marc Michael Baum)


(1 - 4 von 20

Marc Baum, CEO of | Fox News
This is a partial transcript from Your World with Neil Cavuto, November 16,

'I bought a winery and it caused a US-French row' - BBC News
When US entrepreneur Michael Baum bought a famous French vineyard it caused a trans-Atlantic spat.

Hammer SpVg. holt sich den Routinier - Reviersport
Auf einmal ging alles schnell. Am Donnerstag wusste der bei KFC-Trainer Jörg Jung in Ungnade gefallene Michael Baum noch nicht, ob der KFC ihn ziehen lässt.

Guardian: Breast screening should be scrapped | Michael Baum | The Guardian

Michael Baum: Evidence points to the fact that cancer mortality rates are dropping due to improved treatment, not mammograms
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