Marc Zirnsak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marc Zirnsak)


Neurowissenschaftler entwickeln neues Model Wie Augenbewegungen die...
Was fehlt, ist der „Panoramablick“: Menschen können ihre Umgebung schlecht überschauen - sie setzen das Bild ihrer Umwelt Blick für Blick zusammen.

Chief Data & Analytics Officer Germany AI & ML Events
Marc Zirnsak. VP, Data Science and Technology, Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. Christiane von Flotow. Head of Data Design, Uniper Energy. Soeren Lueders. › events › chief-...

Montana State University professor and brain scientist continues...
A research team including Montana State professor Behrad Noudoost has linked how our eyes actually see the world to neurons in the prefrontal cortex of the...

Saccadic eye movements and how the brain avoids ...
— MSU's Behrad Noudoost was a co-author with Marc Zirnsak and other neuroscientists from the Tirin Moore Lab at Stanford University in ... › ...
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