Marcus Kuehne Person-Info 

( Ich bin Marcus Kuehne)


(1 - 4 von 6

Virtual Reality kreiert Markenerlebnisse -
Ist Virtual Reality nur ein Hype? Nein - da sind sich die Experten einig. Doch eine Marketing-Strategie haben nur Wenige. Es ist an der Zeit, dass das...

Audi using VR to demonstrate safety features, tempt buyers - The...
Car maker provides virtual environments to help test and demonstrate safety features and to give would-be buyers an almost-real driving experience

Audi tests the frontier of virtual reality technology | Automotive...
Marketers are eager to exploit virtual-reality technology, but there is no playbook for how to use it effectively as a marketing tool. Audi, a pioneer, is...

Terranet and holoride exploring super-human vision technology in...
vor 19 Stunden · The tech startup was founded at the end of in Munich, Germany by Nils Wollny, Marcus Kuehne, Daniel Profendiner and Audi, ...
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