Maria Theresa Dizon Person-Info 

( Ich bin Maria Theresa Dizon)


Immigration rules result in flood of bogus students
Serious flaws in immigration controls have been uncovered by The Sunday Telegraph only days after a chief government adviser called for a review of Britain's...

Fil-Ams in NY pay tribute to Behn Cervantes | ABS-CBN News
MANILA – The Filipino-American community held a 'Night of Tribute' in honor of the late Philippine actor, director, writer and activist Behn Cervantes on...

Oktoberfest and significant October bashes —
... with the significant presence of Deputy Consul General Theresa Dizon-De Vega as guest speaker and Hon. Councilman Rolando Lavarro.
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Person "Dizon" (1)
Vorname "Theresa" (11342)
Name "Dizon" (1107)
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