Mario Capone Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Capone)


(1 - 4 von 14

A Lydia Shire protege at Burlington's Bancroft - The Restaurant Hub -...
The Bancroft opens this spring with Mario Capone at the helm.

Civitella Roveto: addio a Mario Capone, 90 anni di musica e passione...
Nel campo dei media, tutte le news con l'obiettivo dell'informazione

Lydia Shire is Scampo's secret ingredient - The Boston Globe
(Regis was opening chef at Blue Sky; Mario Capone from Locke-Ober is now executive chef at Scampo. Shire finds talent and keeps it close.) ...

Review of Locke-Ober- Two rooms, two new chefs - The Boston Globe
Replacing them are Mario Capone, who took over chef duties at Locke-Ober a year ago, and Tom Fosnot, who became chef at blu in January.
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Name "Capone" (267)
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