Mario Renner Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mario Renner)


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) Himmelsscheibe von Nebra: Drei, zwei, eins - Schatzsuche! - › Netzwelt › Web

· ... Mario Renner haben das gute Stück an einem Sommerwochenende vor knapp sechs Jahren ausgebuddelt. Dumm nur: Der wertvolle Fund, zu dem auch ...

Incredible discovery of the oldest depiction of the universe almost › news › incredible-discovery-of-t...
· But in 1999, two men, Henry Westphal and Mario Renner, were hunting for buried treasure in the forest when their metal detectors led them to an ...

Editorial: Lito Osmeña - Yahoo › editorial-lito-osme
· NOW that we remember, it nearly comes as a surprise that Emilio Mario Renner Osmeña Jr. or Lito Osmeña was governor of Cebu for a term only ...

Archaeology news: 'Most important find of century' exposed ...
— ... Henry Westphal and Mario Renner while they were treasure-hunting with a metal detector near Nebra, Saxony-Anhalt, in modern-day Germany. › world
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Person "Renner" (19)
Vorname "Mario" (36787)
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