Mary L. Hare Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mary L. Hare)


(1 - 4 von 18
) Pippa Middleton wird Botschafterin: Schule für taube Kinder freut...

Pippa Middleton scheint langsam in die Fußstapfen ihrer großen Schwester Kate Middleton zu treten: Nach einem gescheiterten Partybuch wird die

BBC - Mary Hare School in Newbury launches deaf football
The first ever football coaching camp for deaf girls has kicked off at a school in Newbury.

£250k bill to send seven gifted deaf pupils to school in England -...
The Department of Education is spending almost £250,000 a year sending seven academically gifted deaf pupils to a boarding school in England because there is...

Guardian: UK's oldest deaf school closes amid concerns children are being let...

Royal School for Deaf Children in Margate closes as campaigners say widening attainment gap between deaf and hearing pupils ‘totally unacceptable’
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