Matthias Breiter Person-Info 

( Ich bin Matthias Breiter)


‘They’re not human’: How 19th-century Inuit coped with a real-life...
When remote Inuit met the mad, desperate remnants of the Franklin Expedition, they couldn’t rule out that they had been invaded by demons

White on white: Arctic foxes in Canada photographed by Anna Henly
White on white: Arctic foxes in Canada photographed by Anna Henly.

Matthias Breiter - Selected Readings
SIDELIGHTS:Matthias Breiter told CA: "My goal is to educate with books. I The Science Teacher (Tue, 01 Sep 2009) By Matthias Breiter $ pp.

Pictures of the day: 8 February 2013
Today: A worried cat, three polar bear cubs, and a frozen waterfall.
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