Matthias Pach Person-Info 

( Ich bin Matthias Pach)


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Heft – Kosmetik : POS kompakt online
POS kompakt berichtet über Marken, Retailer, Verpackung, POS-Materialien, Digital Signage, Multimedia, POS-Design, Werbung, Kommunikation, Strategien, Analysen... › images › archiv › inh › inh_cv1_18Inhalt creativ verpacken
Matthias Pach, Ralf Brodnicki, Perry. Soldan, Claudia Czerják, Jürgen Hack,. Jesper Petersen, Tanja Edelmann. Ticker: 16 AgenturTicker. 20 Ausgezeichnet.

Dieter Bakic designs the packaging and brand identity of David...
“Behind the beard trend, there is a huge movement onto the emancipation of men in the world of cosmetics. Slowly but steadily men arrived and defined their...

Trends and packaging design... and the development of a holistic...
On the occasion of Cosmetic Business in Munich, Dominic Bakic, CEO DieterBakicGroup, and Matthias Pach, Design Director, DieterBakicDesign GmbH,...
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