Meena Kandasamy Person-Info 

( Ich bin Meena Kandasamy)


(1 - 4 von 8

Guardian: When I Hit You: Or, A Portrait of the Writer as a Young Wife by Meena...

The raw material of domestic abuse leads to a meditation on writing and a searing examination of a woman’s place in contemporary Indian society

Marriage through Meena Kandasamy's literary mirror | Asia House
Indian poet, fiction writer, translator and activist Meena Kandasamy will be joining us to talk about her recently published novel.

Aus dem Englischen und mit einem Glossar versehen von Claudia...
Der im Jahre in Westbengalen spielende Roman beleuchtet verschiedene Perspektiven eines politisch motivierten Massakers an 44 indischen Rechtlosen, den...

Meena Kandasamy and Preti Taneja - Centre for New and International...
The Centre for New and International Writing, in association with the White Review, presents the Hope Street Writer in Residence, Meena Kandasamy, and ...
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Vorname "Meena" (189)
Name "Kandasamy" (57)
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