Mehdi Navid Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mehdi Navid)


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Iran bans primary school English lessons | World | The Times
Iran has banned the teaching of English in primary schools in the wake of protests against the regime in the past two weeks.The state’s High Education Council d

Iran zabrania nauki angielskiego w podstawówkach -
Nauczanie języka angielskiego w rządowych i pozarządowych szkołach podstawowych w oficjalnym programie nauczania jest sprzeczne z przepisami - oświadczył Mehdi

Iran bans English from being taught in primary schools - BBC News
The Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, voiced concern about the spread of Western influences.

Guardian: Iran bans the teaching of English in primary schools, official says |...

Move comes after warnings by Islamic leaders that early learning of language opened way to western ‘cultural invasion’
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