Melanie Di Mauro Person-Info 

( Ich bin Melanie Di Mauro)


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MARK PATINKIN Exploring a different kind of Emerald City
I'm walking the property with Melanie Mauro, a Mohegan public-relations person. "We have a lot of Asian buses from Boston and New York," she says.

Easton's Grant Recipients - Morning Call
Betty and Melanie Mauro: Color textile collage -- $345. Kimberly Setzer-Robertson: "Cry Of Freedom" painting -- $900. Bernard Suess: Photographs -- $1,710

On the Move | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram
• Melanie Mauro, Maria Champagne and Maria Johnson joined Creative Work Systems. Mauro, of Portland, was hired as a service coordinator. Champagne, of Saco, and Johnson, of

Rye Brook Westmore News: To Life!
Melanie Mauro Blythe Duckett. ENSEMBLE: Barrie Schneiderman, Alyssa Davis Victoria Ferrer, Nikki Weisblum, Rebecca Raider, Danielle Treacy, Dana Kadmon, Jillian Forbes
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