Michèle Theunissen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michèle Theunissen)


(1 - 4 von 5

Blanchflower feted in words and deeds - The West Australian - News

To celebrate the opening on Sunday afternoon, artists Michele Theunissen and Michael Iwanoff will draw on their relationship with the artist to ...

Art Collective WA: Michele Theunissen and Sarah Elson « RTRFM / The...

The Art Collective WA is showcasing a new exhibition opening Saturday 6th of July. Michele Theunissen, […]

Xanten: Sprachen verbessern Chancen

Zwölf Wochen lang nahmen 22 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Walter-Bader-Realschule mit Erfolg an einem„English Business Course“ teil. Gestern erhielten sie

Michele Theunissen ‘Deletion’ - Cathedral Square

A new body of work by local WA artist Michele Theunissen finds concurrence in materials explored and a sense of the world's condition.
Verwandte Suchanfragen zu Michèle Theunissen
Person "Theunissen" (1)
Vorname "Michèle" (1726)
Name "Theunissen" (260)
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