Michael Masin Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Masin)


(1 - 4 von 7

Citigroup: Kronprinz gekürt - manager magazin

Lange wurde darüber gerätselt, wer die Nachfolge von Citigroup-Lenker Sanford Weill antreten soll. Jetzt ist das Geheimnis gelüftet: Bei der größten Bank der...

Michael Masin, director ejecutivo de Citigroup | Economía | EL PAÍS

Michael Masin ha sido nombrado director ejecutivo de operaciones de Citigroup, la mayor compañía de servicios financieros del mundo. Hasta ahora, Masi

Ex-Citi chief Weill considers return to Wall Street

Sandy Weill, the former chairman and chief executive of Citigroup, is contemplating a very public return to the investment market – bringing two of his former...

Michael Masin to Retire from Popular, Inc. Board of Directors -...

Popular, Inc. (NASDAQ: BPOP) announced today that Michael T. Masin informed the Board of Directors on December 22, of his decision ...
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