Michael Shah Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michael Shah)


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Massive blaze consumes vacant Chelsea building

... for $26.4 million last year, was converting it into a 40,000-square-foot complex called The Dorian, according to company CEO Michael Shah.

Thanks forever, Michael: Shah Rukh - Worldnews.com

Some of Bollywood's biggest stars on Saturday released a free musical tribute to Michael Jackson to mark what would have been the late US star's 51st birthday....

„VERA. Das kommt in den besten Familien vor“ – am 12. November in ORF...

Rosenkrieg, Problemkind und ein Unfall mit fatalen Folgen – am Samstag, dem 12. November 2016, berichten Vera Russwurms Gäste um Uhr in ORF 2 in einer...

DelShah Capital Resolves Two New York City Property Bankruptcies

21, PRNewswire/ --Michael Shah,principal and chief executive officer of DelShah Capital, LLC (DelShah), the real estate investment, ...
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