Michelle Neumann Person-Info 

( Ich bin Michelle Neumann)


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England, Spanien, Frankreich, Türkei: „Los geht’s zum Praktikum!“ -...

„Von meinem Praktikum erwarte ich mir, dass ich viele Menschen aus der ganzen Welt kennenlerne“, beschreibt Philipp Stroetmann, 22, Auszubildender der...

Aussie woman flies special message above mourners at funeralYahoo

— Businesswoman Michelle Neumann, also known as Michelle Deriz, was much-loved on the Gold Coast, the Courier Mail reported. › aussi...

Incredible moment cancer victim pulls final joke on mourners ...The Sun

— Michelle Neumann, 63, was said to have had a "wicked" sense of humour, and stunned family and friends as she had the last laugh while they ... › news
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