Mike Philipsen Person-Info 

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Arizona legislators consider birthright citizenship bill - CNN.com

The Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee began holding hearings Monday afternoon on proposals to end birthright citizenship under the 14th Amendment for...

El Universal Arizona recauda 40 mil dlares para muro fronterizo

Tras las primeras 17 horas de operacin de un sitio de internet con este propsito, el estado recibi 884 donaciones; esperan recaudar 50 millones de dlares

Arizona launches website for donations to build fence along US border...

CASA GRANDE, Ariz. - Arizona launched a fundraising website Wednesday as the first step in a newly authorized project to use private donations and inmate...

Immigration, race and baseball are inseparable – The Denver Post

'Under that scenario,' said Mike Philipsen, the communications advisor for the Arizona Senate Republicans, who drew up the bill, 'he could be detained.' In other words, hauled off to jail, even though he is in the United States legally.” However, Brewer and other backers say the Arizona law is necessary ...
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