Milena Dragicevic Person-Info 

( Ich bin Milena Dragicevic)


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Milena Dragicevic Galerie Martin Janda Wien
The starting point for both the paintings and the prints in the exhibition is Pampero Firpo, a famous wrestler from the 1970s. Dragicevic uses material from...

Guardian: Milena Dragicevic's Supplicant 101: a party for the undead | Painting...

The Canadian-Serb painter references various cultures and styles in this series of pale and shadowed portraits based on her friends

ART: Milena Dragicevic | Metro News
Milena DragicevicART: Eight years' worth of bold, crisp painting from Serbian artist Milena Dragicevic can be seen until September 21 as part of her personal...
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