Mohammad Jabber Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mohammad Jabber)


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April 9, 1993: Saeed Al Tayer pilots Victory to thrilling win | Today...
Saeed Al Tayer and Shaikh Saeed Al Maktoum showed tactical superiority to win the top prize at the second Abu Dhabi Offshore Powerboat Race 60 prosent deltok i irakisk avstemning – NRK Urix – Utenriksnyheter...

Denne gangen må vi delta storslått for å gjenopprette stabilitet i Irak, sa Mohammad Jabber, en 35 år gammel arbeider fra den hovedsakelig sunnimuslimske ...

80-year-old injured in bear attack in south Kashmir
However, before the villagers could do anything, the bear attacked and injured 80-year-old Mohammad Jabber. The injured was later admitted ...

Rainbow Coalition | History| Smithsonian Magazine
Second graders Mohammad Hijazi (left), Saed Abdel Rahman (middle) and Mohammad Jabber (right) attend the Hebrew-Arabic primary school with 300 children from ...
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Vorname "Mohammad" (4516)
Name "Jabber" (23)
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