Mona Awad Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mona Awad)


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Mirror, mirror: Mona Awad's look at how fat rules one girl's life...
Blair Mlotek: It succeeds not only in making us question what we regard as 'beauty,' but also ends by making us wonder what it is in life that really matter

Mona Awad: ‘I was interested in exploring a kind of monstrousness’ -...
Awad’s debut novel, 13 Ways of Looking at a Fat Girl, was recently published by Penguin Canada

Canada's Giller literary prize shortlist includes Booker finalist |...
The shortlist for this year's Scotiabank Giller Prize, Canada's richest fiction award, includes writer Madeleine Thien, who is also a finalist for the Man...

Life with the seedy men of the City | The Independent
A dark-haired young woman gets up from her desk and walks towards the toilets, to catcalls from her male colleagues which include graphic jokes about anal and...
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