Mona Siddiqui Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mona Siddiqui)


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Islam: Religious violence 'creates divisions'
[EuropeNews] - Mona Siddiqui, from the Centre for the Study of Islam at Glasgow University, told Adnkronos International (AKI) that the international media failed to

Scholar Mona Siddiqui to lead pro EU camp | The Sunday Times
MONA Siddiqui, the internationally renowned scholar, is to head up the Scottish campaign to keep Britain in the EU. Scotland Stronger In ...

Scotland Stronger in Europe names Mona Siddiqui as chairwoman - BBC...
A Scottish-based campaign to keep the UK in the EU names Prof Mona Siddiqui as the chairwoman of its advisory group.

Christians, Muslims & Jesus by Mona Siddiqui: review
Sameer Rahim applauds a stimulating dialogue between great faiths.
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