Mustapha Ahmad Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Mustapha Ahmad Said)


(1 - 4 von 20

Madinah Women Complain About Harassment by ‘Pickup’ Cabbies | Arab...
MADINAH, 29 January — The memory of the girl who died when she tried to escape from her kidnapper’s pickup truck is still fresh in the minds of the people...

Saint Rose professor back from Ebola crisis - Times Union
Marda Mustapha spent his winter break in Sierra Leone, where he delivered rice, fish and cooking oil bought with local donations and witnessed firsthand the...

The man who brokered the deal to release the Chibok girls - BBC News
The lawyer behind the release of 82 women captured by Nigeria's militant Islamist group Boko Haram.

Ku Nan denies Umno discussed sacking Ahmad Said
for Terengganu mentri besar Datuk Seri Ahmad Said's ...
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Ahmad Said
Person "Said" (3)
Vorname "Ahmad" (4757)
Name "Said" (1813)
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