Nabil Nassar Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nabil Nassar)


(1 - 4 von 9

Egyptian oncologist receives Swiss honor for contribution to fight...
Dr Mohamed Shaalan is the founder of Breast Cancer Foundation of Egypt and on the board of the only charity hospital in Egypt for breast cancer treatment.

Guardian: Libyan rebels enter Tripoli to topple Muammar Gaddafi's regime |...

Opposition fighters advance from Zawiya for final assault to remove the man who ruled Libya for 42 years

2 Syrians reenact slaying of Kuwaitis - ARAB TIMES - KUWAIT NEWS
Rajab who works as a gatekeeper said he planned to kill the two men Hussein Mohammed Hussein Nabil Nassar and Nabil Ghareeb in ...

Friedrichshafen: Eine neue Poststelle in der Kitzenwiese | SÜDKURIER...
Die neue Filiale in der Länderöschstraße öffnet am Montag, 11. September. Betreiber ist Nabil Nassar, Inhaber der benachbarten Lindenapotheke.
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