Nadine Sayed Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nadine Sayed Ahmed)


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U.N. watchdog seeks release of three relatives of Bahraini activist |...
A United Nations human rights watchdog has called on Bahrain to release three relatives of a prominent exiled activist, describing their detention as an...

Guardian: Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei | The › profile › sayed-ahmed-alw...

Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei. Sayed Alwadaei is director of advocacy at the UK-based Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy. May

Guardian: End Bahrain’s persecution of Sayed Ahmed Alwadaei and his family |...

Letter: NGO representatives, lawyers and a cross-party group of parliamentarians call on the British government to act in defence of the UK-based human rights...

Bahrain: Activists’ Kin Convicted in Flawed Trial | Human Rights Watch
A criminal court in Manama on October 30, sentenced three relatives of a prominent exiled Bahraini human rights defender to three years in prison on...
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