Naila Ali Said Person-Info 

( Ich bin Naila Ali Said)


(1 - 4 von 30

Brotherhood Leaders Compare Egypt Jail Cells to GravesMurad Ali said...
Murad Ali said he was put in a foul-smelling cell on death “It was as dark as a grave,” he wrote in a letter addressed to friends and family, and seen by...

Girlz set to step into Bradford spotlight | Bradford Telegraph and...
Asian schoolgirls have set up a youth group to break down cultural barriers.

Lonnie Ali Said Muhammad Wanted Youth to See Adversity Can Make You...
▶ 13:06"When a cop and an inner city kid talk to each other, then miracles can happen," said the late boxer's wife.

BBC NEWS | Africa | Eritreans honour foreign minister
Eritrea marks the funeral of Foreign Minister Ali Said Abdella, who died of a heart attack on Sunday.
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Person "Said" (3)
Vorname "Ali" (23163)
Name "Said" (1812)
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