Nancy Evans Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nancy Evans)


(1 - 4 von 29

The end of an adventure: Rowan Elections Director Nancy Evans to...
SALISBURY — Nancy Evans learned to adapt early in her career at the Rowan County Board of Elections Office, keeping up with changes in ...

Brent Batten: From paper route to paper mainstay, Nancy Evans always...
Whether you knew it or not, you had a friend in the newspaper business. Nancy Evans, a fixture at the Naples Daily News, is retiring after more ...

Die Sterne von Texas - Film
Die Zirkusbesitzerin Nancy Evans (Carole Landis) stellt verwundert fest, dass ihre wirtschaftlichen Mitstreiter gemeinsame Sache mit Mike Abbott machen, der unbedingt ihre abgehalfterte Ranch ...

Guardian: Nancy Evans | | The Guardian

The English mezzo-soprano Nancy Evans, who has died aged 85, was an accomplished and professional artist admired by Benjamin Britten, who wrote several pieces...
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