Naomi Lloyd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Naomi Lloyd)


(1 - 4 von 15

Naomi Lloyd, 18, writes to her 14-year-old self to offer hope that...
Naomi Lloyd developed an eating disorder at 14. Now 18, she writes a letter to her 14 year old self to offer encouragement to others who may be going through a...

ITV embarrassed by report of polar bear washed up on beach
When reports came in that a polar bear had washed up on a Cornish beach, television presenter Naomi Lloyd was first with the news.

After the polar bear/cow mix-up: More newsreader gaffes | Metro News
This hilarious collection of newsreader bloopers should help to make one Naomi Lloyd feel much better. She reported that a cow on a Cornwall beach was a polar...

EU-Hilfe SURE: 100 Milliarden Euro zum Schutz von Jobs und ...
In Brüssel sprach euronews-Reporterin Naomi Lloyd bei der Europäischen Kommission mit Wirtschaftskommissar Paolo Gentiloni über die Aussichten für Arbeitsplätze und Unternehmen.
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