Naomi Shepherd Person-Info 

( Ich bin Naomi Shepherd)


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Guardian: Naomi Shepherd: Is a bi-national state realistic for...

Naomi Shepherd: A single democratic state, though nothing new, is now being mooted. But it may have the opposite result to that intended

Industry Profile: Facebook's director of brand Naomi Shepherd - AdNews
Her father was a broadcaster on Channel 7, she loves a well-made margarita and if she wasn't at Facebook, she'd probably be a midwife. This week we catch up...

Juden in Berlin: "Sind nicht auserwähltes Volk - auch nicht im Leiden"
Jacob blieb trotz des Erfolges ein einfacher, frommer Jude, berichtet die englische Journalistin Naomi Shepherd, die in den 80er Jahren über die Familie schrieb.

Guardian: Naomi Shepherd | The Guardian

Naomi Shepherd is the author of a number of books on Israel and the Middle East, including Ploughing Sand: British Rule in Palestine , and a book of...
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