Nicholas Klassen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Nicholas Klassen)


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Bringing Sustainable Products and Services to Market: Innovation...
Maddock Douglas, Inc. announced the acquisition of Biro Creative, Inc. as part of a multi-year strategy to lead in sustainable innovation. Biro is a...

NFB’s #Legacies150 offers up a rich and personal look at our...
The series producer of #Legacies150 is Nicholas Klassen, producer with the NFB's Digital Studio in Vancouver. Complete list of #Legacies

March Death Notices - Paynesville Press, Paynesville, Minnesota
She married Nicholas Klassen on May 3, 1938, at St. Margaret's Catholic Church in Lake Henry. They farmed in Lake Henry Township until 1962, when they ...

Peter Mackie moving on from head coach position of men’s soccer -...
Peter Mackie is moving on from head coach of the men's soccer program after leading the men's program for 16 seasons and women's program for
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