Niels Erik Pedersen Person-Info 

( Ich bin Niels Erik Pedersen)


(1 - 4 von 5
) The Weapon of Sound: Sonic Canon Gives Pirates an Earful - DER SPIEGEL

Pirates off the coast of Somalia last week tried to take a US cruise ship. But the attackers got more than they bargained for when the crew turned a newly...

Aarhus Motion - Homeless Walk
Er du på udkig efter dit næste løb? Få et overblik og læs mere om årets motionsløb og mountainbike løb i Aarhus og omegn

Tom Petty having a blast with Mudcrutch reunion | Reuters
By Erik Pedersen LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "This is such a trip," bassist Tom Petty said from the Troubadour stage. "I gotta get used to this." If some elements of that sentence caught many folks off guard -- bassist Tom Petty at the Troubadour? -- so did Friday's joyful show by Mudcrutch, the decades-dormant precursor to the ...

Hinnerup Kro er til salg - › article › view › hinnerup_kro_...
· Niels Erik Pedersen har erkendt, at der ikke er basis for at drive en kro i Hinnerup, og derfor har han ad to omgange forsøgt at sælge kroen ...
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